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We went on a trip to Thailand
Phani mopped-up all the available prawns there!

In case u had doubts-this IS her, 2 busy to smile
at the camera!

For more pictures of our Thailand trip, Click Here: you require to register and sign in before you can view the photographs

This is Hrishi and Ani at the swimming pool.
Photography is a hobby for me and I always carry a camera with me.
These photos were shot with a 2.0 megapixel camera with a sony vario-sonnar lens with 5f focal length and built-in flash.
It came free with my sony-ericsson k750i mobile phone!


Ani learning the ropes
Hrishi and Ani are enjoying themselves these summer hols; every morning they wake up at 6AM and are raring to go take a dip at the swimming pool. It's really cool there and there are a lot of other kids.


Hrishi looking like an ace swimmer!!
Hrishi's really picked up the basics-though with the tube still around him : without it he 'gets a sinking feeling'!! Ani thrashes about the pool, but the trainer has to keep reminding him to use his legs as much as his hands (he keeps alternating between them!) the result being that his progress across the pool his painfully slow (Hrishi and ani maintain a ratio of 2:1 on the number of trips they complete in any given time!)


The trainer hard at work!!
But whatever the progress, it's tremendous fun, and they are really exhilirated at the end of each day's hour-long session, though one of the trainers is always pleased to see them go, because Ani really eats his head asking questions nineteen to the dozen ('Sir, Can I do this', 'Sir Can I do that', 'Sir, I want to stand', 'Sir, I want to swim without the tube', 'Sir, I want to swim with the tube') till his head literally starts swimming!


When Ani is not in water, he likes climbing walls like SPIDERMAN-its a different thing that his parents do the climbing-up-the-wall more than he does!
Ani is crazy about SPIDERMAN movies, and his best friend is...u guessed it-anyone who gets him a spiderman costume/photo/memorabilia/  even a bit of paper with a spider web in it. And if u get him a live spider, he will be your best friend FOR LIFE!!!


Ani asking a question!!!
The other day, tired of this unending stream of questions, the trainer took him to a side pool; and what did Ani have to say?'Sir, see I can stand in this water!' The poor guy lost his head and said,'I don't know English, please speak in Telugu!'
Ani-way, Ani is enjoying the swimming also. After the swimming lessons, they go for a drawing class, which they had attended last year and had liked very much. So they are more busy during the hols than they were during the rest of the year!


SUPERMAN is to Hrishi what SPIDERMAN is to Ani!
Hrishi has sobered a little, and is not as crazy about SUPERMAN as he used to be...which is not saying much, by the way. He especially likes SUPERMAN's front lock, and he goes for anyone with a similar lock. Even if it is only a sidelock! The other day he was excited about a photograph of THE BEATLES...but not because he likes their music or has even heard them...but because they had sidelocks which are reminiscent of ...u guessed it again.....SUPERMAN!!!

SUPEY front LOCK!!


Hrishi and Ani would love to know what u think of the photos!!!