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Thursday, 18 May 2006
Quota will kill Quality:Murthy; Judgement day for these politicians not too far away: Myself
Mood:  on fire
Just take a look at this news item: "Infosys chief and Chairman of the governing body for IIM Ahmedabad NR Narayana Murthy has criticised the Government's plan to increase seats in IITs and IIMs to offset the impact of reservations on general category students". This is from IBNLIVE: URL: Article on IBN LIVEhttp://www.ibnlive.com/news/quota-will-kill-quality-murthy/10753-3.html According to the news item, "...the Government proposed to increase seats to appease the students protesting against the proposal to have 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Classes in top institutes". Murthy further goes on to say that the goverment has no business to decide about seats. "People sitting in New Delhi cannot take these decisons. A lot of variables need to be taken into account like the number of classrooms and hostel rooms. It is up to the chairman and the directors of the IITs and IIMs to take a desicison," he says. He also goes on to point out the difficulty these premier institutes have attracting good faculty, given the poor salary levels they can offer; this is also because of strict government control over the salary structure. "It is unfortunate that these decisions do no lie with the institutes but with the Government. We are not going about this in the right way. Our insitutes will never be the world class institutes if this continues," he said. Narayan Murthy is a product of the institute, and he knows how the system functions; he has seen the other side, and knows what young Indians need in order to develop into world class competitors. This is an age when government needs to relinquish control over corporations and institutions which have flourished despite (yes, not because of) politicians and bureaucrats.This is an example of an ongoing power struggle, and we have no doubt about who is pulling in which direction. Soon these politicians and bureacrats are going to have their comeuppance, as the level of awareness and literacy are rising gradually to the stage where a critical mass will be reached sooner rather than later. That will be the day when these politicians will have a lot of explaining to do.

Posted by drphaniraj at 6:55 PM

Sunday, 11 June 2006 - 4:29 PM

Name: Vinita Shastry

Its very depressing to see all this on news… five thousand years of civilization… Indians established the first universities (taxila, nalanda) while the rest of the world was in darkness… and yet, look at where we are today… all because of Government intervention and rampant corruption… today’s news highlights the plight of Patna Medical College, we don’t even need to think of how other institutions all over Bihar might be, when the capital itself is this way…
And now they plan to include all the IITs and IIMs too in this mess…
On one side, we wonder why there is brain drain, we spend millions on Bharat Pravaasi Divas, we try to promote our global image and win the love of our Indian diaspora abroad. But more and more Indians within India feel cheated and let down when such reservations are allowed and that will only lead to more brain drain... societal equality should be achieved by trying to pull up the weaker sections... but this kind of reservation doesnt pull up the weak ones, it only pulls down the strong ones leading to an overall weak society.
This is the curse of democracy, it gives any fool a right to get elected and sound his foolish opinion… and look at the arrogance they have… compare this to our olden days…
During those golden days, when a king wished to visit a gurukul ashram, he had to leave behind his army and come walking… to show that he is king and all-powerful only outside the ashram and not inside… and he would seek the blessings and guidance of all the sages…
Once a year, a king had to go begging, a ritual to show him what he is really worth as a human being…
And here we are, watching our politicians, they really need something like that, to be forced to go begging so that they wake up from that irresponsible arrogant slumber they are in, doling out rules from the center, turning a deaf ear and blind eye to ground realities…

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