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Thursday, 18 May 2006
Mood:  on fire
The whole of northern India is up in flames....it is Mandal 1989-90 revisited....the spectre of MANDAL II....
In 1989 it was VP Singh.....the flames engulfed him then, they finished him politically...
the villain of the piece now is ARJUN SINGH!
This man was considered prime ministerial material at one time....now he is a doddering old fool, stumbling through the corridors of power, dragging his legs with his stick, cynically using the power vested in him by trusting millions, to further the sinister cause of all political parties....VOTES!VOTES!!Votes at any cost, even if it destroys the lives of the youth!!!
He had the temerity to stand in LOK SABHA and proclaim that he was not going to back out of this decision....this arrogance and stubborness is because he has won the elections....we would like to know, did the people who voted from him, do they all want him to do things this way ?
We thought India had come a long way...away from the divisive politics of the past generations....we believed that a new generation had arisen, new leaders with vision and hope, who wanted all Indians to be equal...Yes, we thought the days of Rahuls and Jyotiradityas and Jindals had dawned and that we would see a new and progressive INDIA!
But alas! It seems that we were too credulous, that we have been belied again.
For Arjun Singh alone would not have dared to stand against the rising tide of protesters in the country..... not unless he had the backing of all these self-serving politicians...
The time has come to change the culture of the country.....to create an atmosphere where such politicians cannot breathe....where corruption, divisiveness, nepotism, cronyism cannot survive...
For this we have to carry the poor and the downtrodden with us...we have to convince all those people who vote for these politicians that there are better options. We have to create a climate for nation building...We have to show these cynical politicians that their days are numbered, that the time has come to account for their actions.
Now no political decision should be taken with the vote-bank in mind...everything should be pre-decided through fora comprising the intellectuals and progressive minds in the society. Deviations from these policies should be dealt with firmly by the law-enforcement agencies....the power in the hands of these politicians has to be severely curbed, so much so that it no longer remains lucrative to enter politics.Let only those interested n building the nation enter politics; for this, all priveleges should be withdrawn.

Posted by drphaniraj at 3:28 PM

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